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Hammam Antistress for men

Spa program "Hammam Antistress" is designed specifically for men, it combines a technique, releasing the nervous system, as well as a profound training of the muscles of the neck, back and feet.

Бережіть себе і свою нервову систему! Здоров'я - тендітна річ, необхідно вчасно розслаблятися, щоб зберігати його.
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Hammam Antistress for men is a spa-restoring program in Hammam and afterwards in a massage room.

The program "Hammam Antistress" consists of:

1. Steaming in Hammam 15 min.
The temperature at your request can be set from 38 to 45 degrees.

2. Massage with Bamboo brooms in Hammam 15 min.
Massage with Bamboo brooms is also called Samurai massage. Its peculiarity is that it trains the muscles harder and deeper and, in addition, eases the nervous system in an effective way.

3. Contrast sprays from the bowls.

4. Peeling with a Kese glove, 20 min.

5. Rest. Treat with herbal tea with oriental sweets.

6. Anti-stress massage of the whole body, with an emphasis on the training of the back and shoulders muscles, because these zones are overstrained.
The duration of the massage is 45 minutes.

7. SPA foot massage or head massage to choose from, 30 min

Тепла мильна піна пестить і розслабляє ...
The effect of the procedure is:
  • Full relaxation
  • Releasing the head tension
  • Muscles strain relief, relaxation
  • Renewal
  •  Feeling of lightness and sense as if you are flying
В яких випадках потрібен Хаммам Антистрес + Детокс:

The duration of the program "Hammam Antistress for Men" is 2.5 hours, the cost is 1930 UAH.

Тривалість програми "Хаммам Антистрес" 2 г. 30 хв. вартість 3240 грн.

P.S. P.S. Gift Certificate for a spa program for men is a manifestation of care of your man's health!

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