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Berber Hammam + aroma massage

Berber Hammam + aroma massage
Berber Hammam and Aroma massage are splendid procedures if you want to relax and reboot. The first part of this program takes place in Hammam, followed by a full body aroma massage in the Spa room.

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The Berber Hammam program is a powerful procedure for detox, nourishing and cleansing the skin, relaxing and recovering from stress.
It is suitable for both women and men.

Visit us together; we have two tables for peeling inside Hammam.
All procedures take place simultaneously.

The program consists of:

1. Steaming in the Hammam.
The temperature regime in Berber Hammam is comfortable and soft 38-40 degrees. It is this temperature regime that effectively cleans the organism of toxins and waste.
2. Application of black Moroccan Beldi soap made from olives and eucalyptus.
Black soap has unique properties to open pores, remove toxins and loosen the top layer of the epidermis, releasing the skin from dead cells.



3. Peeling with Moroccan glove.

All dead skin is gently removed, making room for healthy and young one in the process of peeling. In addition to the fact that peeling is a very pleasant procedure, it is necessary to purify the pores of the skin and clean the organism of toxins and all the harmful things that accumulate in our body.

4. Contrast sprays with water from the bowls.
5. Glazing with Moroccan clay Ghassoul.
The unique clay Ghassoul nourishes the skin, removes toxins, saturates the organism with mineral content. Liquid Moroccan clay is applied to the entire body, held for 15 minutes, and then is washed off with water.
The skin becomes smooth and nourished after being wrapped with clay, and sensations in the body are the incredible ease and purity.
6. Rest. Having a treat with herbal tea with oriental sweets, raisins and dates.
7. Massage in the SPA room.
After the cleansing process we take you to the massage SPA room for aroma massage. Deep muscle training, moisturizing and nourishing the skin complete the wholesome ritual of beauty and health. The duration of the aroma massage is 60 minutes.

Deep Spa Massage after Berber Hammam
The effect of the procedure is:
  • Deep cleansing
  • Detox
  • Relaxation and recovery
  • Skin renewal
  • Nourishment and moisturizing due to the unique Moroccan clay Ghassoul
  • Reboot
  • Anti-stress effect
  • Mineralization of the body with natural organic Moroccan cosmetics.
  • Unbelievable pleasure from the very procedure.

Duration of the program "BERBER SPA Hammam + aroma massage" is 2 hours 30 min.
The cost is 3670 UAH.

You are given a terry bathrobe, a set of towels, disposable underwear and disposable slippers for the program.
You do not need to pay extra for anything.

The procedure is performed by Spa specialists who have been trained in the Ukrainian-French school Spa MEDIKOFARM, specializing in Moroccan SPA Hammam and having medical education.

You will be taken care of by reliable and warm hands.
Happy Tuesday - 20% discount for all spa programs.

P.S. P.S. A gift certificate for a SPA program - so you definitely will not go wrong with a gift!

Хамам, Хамам, Хамам! Якщо відчуваєте втому, Спа програми в Хамамі- це найкраще рішення! Наш Хамам знаходиться в центрі Києва на Печерську. Хамам вміщує в себе до 8 осіб.
На вибір вам запропонуємо наступні програми: Класичний Хамам, Турецький Хамам, Берберський Хамам, Марокканський Хамам. Також в нашому спа салоні, в центрі, великий вибір спа програм і спа масажів!
В якості подарунку можна придбати подарунковий сертифікат Київ на будь які спа програми та масажі.